
Curriculum Vitae – Said Rahimzadeh-Kalaleh Rodriguez


Said Rahimzadeh-Kalaleh Rodriguez leads the Interacting Photons group at the Center for Nanophotonics in AMOLF. Said got his PhD (Cum Laude) at the Eindhoven University of Technology, in the former AMOLF/Philips group of Professor J. Gómez Rivas. Next he worked at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies (France) as a Marie-Curie fellow with Prof. J. Bloch and Dr. A. Amo. Next he did a short postdoc in the group of Prof. A. P. Mosk at Utrecht University.  Said’s research interests include nanophotonics, nonlinear & quantum optics,  and strong light-matter coupling. He has worked with a  wide range of passive and active optical systems. Currently, he is fascinated with emergent phenomena in driven-dissipative photonic systems with nonlinearity and noise.



  • PhD in Applied Physics — 16/9/2010: 02/09/2014
    FOM Institute AMOLF / Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
    Thesis: “Coupling Light and Matter in Metallic Nanoparticle Arrays”
    Advisor: Prof. J. Gómez Rivas
    FOM Thesis Prize — Annual award for best physics thesis in the Netherlands
    Cum Laude — top 3-5% of all PhDs in the Netherlands
  • Erasmus Mundus Masters of Science in Photonics — 16/9/2008: 01/06/2010
    1st year at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, and 2nd year at Ghent University, Belgium
    Thesis: “Light scattering and quantum dot emission close to nanoantenna arrays”
    Advisors: Prof. J. Gómez Rivas, Prof. Z. Hens, Dr. B. Maes, Prof. D. van Thourhout
    Co-awarded Best Thesis Prize
    Greatest Distinction 

Postdoc Experience

  • Utrecht University, Netherlands — 1/5/2017: present
    Advisors: Prof. Allard Mosk and Dr. Sanli Faez
    Topics: photonic crystal cavities, stochastic resonance
  • Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, CNRS, Marcoussis, France — 2/12/2014: 30/4/2017
    Advisors: Prof. Jacqueline Bloch and Dr. Alberto Amo
    Topics: coupled nonlinear resonators, polaritons, quantum optics, condensed matter
  • FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands — 15/09/2014: 30/11/2014
    Advisor: Prof. Jaime Gómez Rivas
    Topics: nanophotonics, nanoantennas, plasmonics, fluorescence



2019: Early Career Award in the domain of Natural and Technical Sciences,  given by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
2016: FOM Physics Thesis Prize — Best thesis in 2014-2015 in the Netherlands
2016: Christiaan Huygens prize honourable mention — 2nd best physics thesis in the past 5 years
2016: Best paper & presentation at the Rank Prize Symposium on Frontiers in Polaritonics
2014: PhD ‘Cum Laude’ — top 3-5% of all PhDs in the Netherlands
2014: Best student paper presentation at SPIE Photonics Europe
2012: First place in student paper competition at Metamaterials 2012, Russia
2010: Best Master thesis and Greatest Distinction of the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Photonics

FOM Thesis Prize


2019: ERC Starting Grant (1.5 M EURO) – Strongly correlated polaritons in optoelectronic nanostructures
2017: Veni (250 k EURO) – Photonic transport through complex nonlinear systems: Using noise to transmit a signal
2015: Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (~188 k EURO) — Polaritons in the quantum regime


Said serves as Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review Applied, ACS Photonics, Nano Letters, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Journal of Optics, American Journal of Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Advanced Optical Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Scientific Reports.